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- Happy Mother's Day from the kids you inherited when you moved in with our Dad
- Happy Mother's Day from the kid you inherited when you moved in with my Dad
- Of all the wicked stepmothers in the world, I'm glad that I got you
- Great job Mum. I turned out awesome!
- You're the best Mum in the world! (Although my frame of reference is limited)
- You put the mother in smother
- What's it like to be the best Mum in the world?
- Thank you for being a mother to me, and a grandmother to my cats
- Sorry about the stretch marks, Mum
- Mums: they're like Dads, only prettier and less hairy
- Mum, you're so much better than Dad. And you smell nicer.
- Mum, thanks for providing love that is as never-ending as your voicemails
- Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum Muuuuummmmm
- Congratulations on giving birth to a legend
- I smile because you're my Mum. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it.
- You're so lucky to have such a handsome, well rounded, smart and funny child. No wonder I'm your favourite.
- You're so lucky to have such a beautiful, well rounded, smart and funny child. No wonder I'm your favourite.
- You're one of my favourite parents
- You were right. There. I said it.
- Thanks for teaching me to use the toilet (it has proved to be an invaluable life skill)